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Publicity Photographs
Page 1
First-Season Studio and Set Photographs

Years before I even dared dream that it would be possible to build an authentic replica of the Lost in Space robot, I started collecting original photographs of the robot. They provided me with hours of entertainment. Since I began my building project, however, I have found that the photographs have a more practical function. They have turned out to be an essential tool for the robot builder because of the detailed information they can provide. Incredible detail can be extracted from original photographs when they are transformed into high resolution computer scans.

The images that follow are scans of the publicity photographs and production stills from my collection. Some images are slightly different shots from the same photography session. For instance, the familiar images of the entire cast of Lost in Space with the robot on the top deck of the Jupiter II are presented here in black and white, color, and slide versions. If you look closely, you can see that each image is unique. I have included them all here because they each convey new information about the subjects.

I am always on the hunt for more robot photographs and will be adding them to this page as fast as I amass them. There are many more publicity photographs of the robot than I have in my tiny collection. A large number of these photographs are available for view at the B9 Robot Builders Club website.

Click on thumbnail to see larger image
