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I had an aluminum radar custom made by a local machinist out of 2024 aluminum. This alloy can be anodized without discoloration, but it is just as beautiful in its raw state. The radar weighs just under ten pounds. The Radar
was manufactured using the Dave Painter Blueprints with a few changes. The spinner posts are proudly first season and were constructed using CAD blueprints created by Craig Reinbrecht. Also, the top ring on top of the radar clutch pack is tapered for authenticity.
Front view of the completed radar assembly. Note the twelve-inch diameter lazy susan underneath. This is a twelve-inch Lazy Susan from Rockler (stock number 28985, $6.29).

Micromotor with view of  hollow receptacle in spinner post.

Micromotor being slipped into the spinner post.

Micromotor inserted in the spinner post. The micromotor has sunk down lower than the level of spinner post to illustrate the extra space at the bottom of the ball for the electrical wires.

View of specially machined nut and threaded end of the spinner posts. To allow room for the insertion point of the spinner posts and the nut that holds them in place, a special rib has been constructed. These ribs hold the entire radar together. The outer screw holds the vanes in place. The inner screw (quite long) holds the top radar ring in place.

View showing how the 12" diameter lazy susan is bolted to the bottom of the radar. Screws will go through the holes in the bottom plate of the lazy susan to connect it to the acrylic collar.


The final results.