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Soil Sampler

I installed the new B9 Creations Soil Sampler in my robot on 16 December 2004.

[Photo courtesy of Michael Joyce of B9 Creations]

The soil sampler is beautifully designed and manufactured. Installation is quite straightforward. My only innovation was to wire the soil sampler so that it is activated by pressing one of  the chest buttons. My chest buttons, as readers may know, are functional pushbuttons. See the special page of this website for details on the installation of these push buttons.

Above is a screengrab of the one and only scene in the history of Lost in Space in which the soil sampler is used. This scene appears in the first-season episode "Island in the Sky" (first broadcast 29 September 1965, production number 8503]

Here is a photograph of my robot's new B9 Creations Soil Sampler in action.


It is a great thrill to see the soil sampler in action. Many thanks to Michael Joyce for spending the time and money to design, manufacture, and make available at a reasonable cost this indispensable robot part.