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These pages are periodically updated and revised

The following is a descriptive inventory of the robot's parts and an assessment of the work required to finish the project.

Arms Revised 22 October 2002
Brain Revised 22 October 2002
Bubble Revised 22 October 2002
Chest Buttons Revised 22 October 2002
Claws Revised 22 October 2002
Collar Revised 22 October 2002d 20 October 2002
Donut and Waist Plate Revised 22 October 2002
Legs Revised 22 October 2002
Leg Support System Under construction, but take a look anyway at the nice photograph of the Lost in Space Robot with Robby the Robot
Light Rods Revised 22 October 2002
Radar Revised 22 October 2002
Radar Dishes Revised 22 October 2002
Side Panels Revised 22 October 2002
Spinner Posts Revised 22 October 2002
Torso Revised 22 October 2002
Tread Boxes Revised 22 October 2002

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